THE OVERTHINKING CURE - the rewiring program. Address every cause of overthinking, increase your mind’s capacity to process multiple things at once, and wire your brain and nervous system to remain calm during turmoil situations. Working together, you will receive top-tier accountability and support throughout the program.

Overthinking is a reflexive mental habit that’s caused by the prefrontal cortex being sent an overwhelming number of threat detection signals.

By undoing both the cause of these signals (neurologically - meaning your brain + nervous system), and the habit of overthinking, you’ll find your mind will remain quiet and clear, and your thoughts will come one by one.

According to testimonials, you will feel a noticeable difference in as little as 2 weeks. As a past chronic overthinker myself, I understand the lack of belief in your ability to ever experience true quietness of mind. It’s my hope that by the end of this write-up we can change that.

The Overthinking Cure is the result of eight years of study, experimentation, coaching, and investment with experts. It features 12 weeks (plus 2 free weeks) packed full of science-based frameworks and methods with references to the studies, as well as daily accountability and community support. You will also develop life-long friendships along the way.


  • Learn why overthinking occurs in the mind and what’s happening in the brain. Understand in a simple format how overthinking occurs so that you can make sense of how everything we do throughout the program has a purpose to it.

    You’ll also learn quick regulating tools that will help you to find a level of mental calmness quickly while out and about taking on daily life challenges. You’ll notice after this week you’ll already have a greater level of control over your mind.

  • Learning diaphragmatic training and more advanced regulating techniques, you’ll notice a greater natural level of quietness will start to enter your life. For those who already know about the parasympathetic system; we are training this.

  • As an experienced personal trainer working with high-tier athletes, I thought I knew everything lifestyle-related that affected my health there was to know. I was wrong.

    Studying biomedical and neuroscience, I have uncovered slight adjustments to HOW we sleep, get light in, and attend to our nutrition which is overlooked in the fitness industry. These have a large impact on our ability to gain control over our mental activity.

  • The Amygdala, our threat-detection center in our brain, is responsible for sending signals to the rest of our brain and body indicating that there is something to stress about. When we can regulate the activity here by retraining it, we start to feel less triggered by what would usually stress us out.

    We also touch on some micronutrients that play a part in assisting this process.

  • This is a form of therapy commonly used to guide people through trauma and fear. We’re using this to reduce the intensity of the trigger signals our brain sends to our entire system so that we begin to emit a level of cool-headedness that baffles others.

    I will guide you through a step-by-step process with complete support that will feel easy but will produce significant results.

  • Using Behavioural Therapy techniques (like CBT), I will teach you how to alter your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours using the fascinating science behind how our brains work.

    After this week, you’ll naturally feel less enticed to procrastinate, and you’ll experience an increase in your ability to focus for long periods.

  • Notice a reduction in the feeling of hesitation when deciding on a task you wish to action. Also, notice a decrease in your compulsive urge to do something you know isn’t good for you (like doom scrolling social media and consuming gluttonous amounts of unhealthy food).

    By the end of this week you’ll likely notice an increase in your nature to think positively, too.

  • There is a common correlation made between anxiety, depression, and many other mental disorders with IL-6 (Interleukin 6), an inflammatory cytokine. When we can reduce levels of inflammation (especially this particular cytokine), you’ll likely notice a reduction in symptoms like overthinking, excess stress, and that “meh” feeling of feeling uninspired. We will explore various strategies.

    Roohi, E., Jaafari, N., & Hashemian, F. (2021). On inflammatory hypothesis of depression: What is the role of IL-6 in the middle of the chaos? Journal of Neuroinflammation, 18, Article 45.

  • Become educated on the serotonin system, how it works, how it’s made, how it’s synthesised, and how to train it.

    Serotonin is a molecule of enoughness. When this system is trained, you’ll find feelings of safety, calmness, and gratitude and felt with less effort, reducing the mind’s tendency to race.

  • Become educated on the dopamine system, how it works, how it’s made, how it’s synthesised, and how to train it.

    Dopamine is the molecule of more. When this system is untrained, you’ll be a slave of your impulses, and it will be difficult to eradicate habits that don’t serve you. When this is trained, you’ll find you’ll stop catastrophising the future, you’ll feel more in control of your mind’s activity, and you’ll feel more balanced in your mind and emotion.

  • I have taught meditation for over 4 years now (and meditated for more than 10). Depending on where you’re at in your ability to meditate (even if you hate the idea of it), you’ll build up your ability to feel a natural stillness within yourself.

    The result of this week is a deeper tranquility and peace in your mind and body. I haven’t yet had a client who has not noticed a difference from this work.

  • Using more advanced exposure therapy techniques (building on week 5), you’ll now be ready for more challenging developments. Using scientific research, we’ll explore effective and fast methods that can help you to build that feeling of not being phased by external circumstances. Feel like “i’ve got this” in situations that currently produce uncertainty.

  • These weeks are provided as my gift to you. They are a free addition to the 12-week program.

    Using somatic techniques, we will start to move what’s stuck in the nervous system out of the system.

    You will learn the skill of letting go of attachment. Attachment is the brain’s reflex to need something. To let go of these attachments means we can make clear and confident decisions, and act on them with ease, without the restrictions of our mind’s limiting beliefs.

The cause to an overthinking mind can be an array of things. Examples include an unregulated nervous system, an inability to create enough dopamine or serotonin, an unprocessed trauma, poor gut microbiome, and the list goes on. We address them all.

The program is delivered using a combined course, group-model and 1-1 format. Over the 12 (+ 2 free) weeks, you will undergo weekly small-group sessions and 4 one on ones with myself for deep diving into what you need specifically. There will be 2 recorded sessions per week (each under 10 minutes) to cover the education side of it all. I will provide worksheets and self-tests along the way. The program is designed to accommodate to all, including those with ADHD or focus issues.

The group format has a total of 8 spots per intake. The investment for the program depends on your exact needs and will be discussed during your consultation. I’ve structured the program to make it as affordable as possible. I never pressure anyone during a consult to make a decision they are uncomfortable with. The best thing to do is to be honest with where you’re at, and I can try my best to accomodate.

Want to learn more about how you can learn how to reprogram your mind? Click Apply Now to book your free consultation with Kieran, and see if The Overthinking Cure is the right program for you.